Search Results for: wild cam

August 17, 2015

TWS Conference: Wolf Capital of the World

A little more than 10 years ago, if someone had told Volker Beckmann that the new 10-story high mural of a wolf’s face he helped choose to be painted in...

August 17, 2015

Video: Drones Quicken the Heart Rates of Bears

Humans and bears might not be all that different when it comes to responding to drones flying overhead. A new study shows that when researchers flew these unmanned aerial vehicles...

August 11, 2015

Agency Aids Ongoing Woodcock Research in Arkansas

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently awarded nearly $50,000 to biologists in Arkansas for an ongoing American woodcock (Scolopax minor) monitoring program. Since 2013, FWS has been working with...

Two great gray owls perch on a decaying tree.
August 7, 2015

Researchers Study Endangered Owl’s Nesting Sites

There’s very little known about great gray owls (Strix nebulosa) besides the fact that they’ve been endangered in California since 1980. Previous studies have pointed to the impact of nest...

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August 6, 2015

Southeastern Section: Awards

Awards AWARDS 2022 C.W. Watson (SEAFWA)Dennis Krusac, U.S. Forest Service SETWS Wildlife Management Excellence AwardChristine Hand, South Carolina Department of Natural ResourcesConservation of black rails through significant advancement of data,...

Mountian lion
August 4, 2015

Habitat Fragmentation Leads to Mountain Lion Deaths

Only one mountain lion has been known to successfully make it across California’s Interstate 15 from the east side to the west since 2001. The sole male animal, known as...

July 29, 2015

Turtle Hotspots in U.S. and the World Identified in New Study

The area around Mobile Bay, Alabama and the deserts of North America are among the areas most diverse for turtle species in the world, according to new research. Scientists looked...

Gray partridges
July 21, 2015

Supplementary Gamebird Feeding

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush, the old saying goes. But a bird feeder can be worth a lot more to farmers in England who participate...

The Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre
July 16, 2015

Exploring the Wetlands at Oak Hammock Marsh

Join The Wildlife Society’s field trip to Oak Hammock Marsh during the 2015 TWS Annual Conference. Learn more about the educational and professional networking opportunities available to you at this...

July 14, 2015

Florida’s Imperiled Species Plan Updated

Florida has been a hotbed of conservation activity lately, with bats, panthers and black bears all making recent headlines. Now, 57 more of the state’s imperiled species are getting their...