Search Results for: wild cam

February 25, 2015

Early Human Farmers Used Hunting for Social Cohesion

Way before we had TV shows or manufactured board games, bowhunting may have been the pastime that brought communities together and marked individual prestige in societies. New archaeological evidence suggests...

Rick Baydack
February 25, 2015

Communication – Collaboration – Networking

Communication, collaboration and networking are three very important words that I am sure all members of our profession understand and use to their advantage on a daily basis. The importance...

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
February 23, 2015

Researchers Sequence Unique Caterpillar’s Genome

Eastern tiger swallowtail caterpillars (papilio glaucus) are even cooler than they look. With lime green snake-like bodies, scary faux black and yellow eyes and an orange forked-tongue that often releases...

Clearwater River in Idaho
February 19, 2015

Hunters and Anglers Protest Land Transfers

Earlier this month, the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership (TRCP) — an alliance of more than 1,400 membership-based hunting and fishing organizations — created a coalition to put a stop to...

Actias luna moth
February 18, 2015

Long Moth Tails Make Predators Go Batty

The best way for some moths to avoid ending up on an upside-down dinner plate is by sporting a lot of tail, according to new research. A study published in...

Rectangle 2
February 12, 2015

Pennsylvania Chapter: TWS Partners

Our Regional Section Northeast Section of The Wildlife Society Our Student Chapters California University of Pennsylvania Clarion University of Pennsylvania Delaware Valley University Pennsylvania State University Penn State Dubois

Northern Spotted owl
February 11, 2015

Illegal Weed Plantations May Affect Owl Recovery

Illegal marijuana plantations may not lead to high times for the recovery of a species of threatened owls, according to researchers. The northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) is currently...

February 10, 2015

TWS Backs Effort Demanding Halt on Old Growth Logging

The Wildlife Society has joined with six other scientific societies on a campaign to prompt the Obama administration to halt old-growth forest logging in the Tongass National Forest in Alaska....

Idaho Marmot
February 10, 2015

Idaho Student Chapter Educates Community

The University of Idaho Student Chapter of TWS participated in numerous educational opportunities during this past fall semester. Student members assisted the Idaho Department of Fish and Game with several...

February 6, 2015

Novel Collars Aid in Assessing Disease Risks

The ability to accurately measure and detect contact between two or more animals is critical to understanding disease transmission risks. In order to collect more accurate contact data among white-tailed...