Search Results for: wild cam

January 16, 2018

Paul Smith’s students practice field techniques and more

The Paul Smith’s College Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society has been busy this past semester! During our second meeting, we had the wonderful Mark Manske of Adirondack Raptors come...

January 12, 2018

Toxic bait field trials on feral swine to begin in January

USDA’s Wildlife Services is set to conduct sodium nitrite toxic bait field trials on free-roaming feral swine in Texas and Alabama this month after its National Wildlife Research Center received...

December 29, 2017

Pennsylvania students travel near and far

California University of Pennsylvania Jake Newbill Below is a summary of recent Student Chapter activities within Pennsylvania, which was included in the Pennsylvania Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s Fall 2017...

December 27, 2017

Drones help monitor Antarctic seals

Drones have recently taken the wildlife world by storm, following everything from deer to whales over land and water to gather information on their populations with minimal disturbance. Now researchers...

December 21, 2017

Student research project: Chipmunks in the Oscura Mountains

In southern New Mexico, a seldom-studied subspecies of chipmunk faces an uncertain future due to the destruction of the high-elevation coniferous woodlands it inhabits. Using camera traps, a recent student...

December 18, 2017

Trophy hunting may imperil species already at risk

A group of researchers is calling for “extreme care” in managing trophy hunting after finding that the harvest of males that hunters worldwide choose could contribute to extinction in some...

December 18, 2017

WSB: Mobile app gathers plover data across vast range

The threatened piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nests on North American coastlines from Maine to North Carolina, where biologists fear it faces growing threats from rising sea levels associated with climate...

December 15, 2017

TWS member Scott Johnson given Lifetime Achievement Award

At the 2017 Midwest Bat Working Group meeting this spring, Indiana Chapter of The Wildlife Society member and Chapter Past-President (1993) Scott Johnson was awarded The Dave Redell Lifetime Achievement...

December 14, 2017

Puffins with longer migrations have trouble breeding

With their bright beaks and crescent-shaped eyes, puffins are adored by animal lovers, but the pint-sized seabirds have been something of a mystery to scientists. GPS trackers have been too...

December 13, 2017

Final report on national monuments review officially released

On Dec. 5, Ryan Zinke, the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, officially released the final report detailing his department’s review of certain national monuments under the Antiquities Act. The memorandum...