Search Results for: wild cam

April 27, 2017

Predator control at the center of legal actions

In Dec. 2016, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission (CPW) approved two predator management plans in the state – the Piceance Basin Predator Management Plan and Upper Arkansas River Predator...

April 26, 2017

New model meshes small and large-scale population estimates

For decades, biologists have struggled to accurately count wildlife populations. They’ve had to combine high-quality data from smaller sites with less reliable information from broader areas. Recent research by Indian...

April 25, 2017

Keeping conservation and construction in the family

Scott Ghilotti, the vice president, co-owner and fourth generation of the family-owned company Maggiora & Ghilotti Inc., says working in a construction company has a lot to do with land...

April 25, 2017

Colorado study may change bear management practices

A six-year study of black bears (Ursus americanus) in Colorado sheds new light on the roots of human-bear conflicts and could lead to changes in how bears are managed to...

April 7, 2017

Big turnout for Southeastern Conclave

Students from throughout the region came to Mississippi State University for The Wildlife Society’s Southeastern Conclave. About 370 students from 24 different schools attended the Conclave, which took place March...

April 5, 2017

Students enjoy a “Day in the Dirt”

Twelve undergraduate wildlife biology students and three employees with the North Carolina Resource Commission recently took a field trip to the Caterpillar customer and training center in Clayton, N.C., where...

April 4, 2017

Scouring scat to investigate Los Angeles’ coyotes

Biologist Justin Brown sees coyotes almost every night he tracks them, which may seem unusual since the habitat he studies is the city of Los Angeles. Since May 2015, he’s...

April 3, 2017

TWS members receive 2016 Honorary Membership Award

The Honorary Membership was first awarded to J.N. (Ding) Darling in 1950. It recognizes continuous outstanding service to any area of concern to The Wildlife Society by a TWS member...

March 31, 2017

Mange outbreak imperils urban kit foxes

Endangered by habitat loss across its range, the San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) now faces another deadly threat. Sarcoptic mange has been spreading swiftly through its urban population...

March 24, 2017

Trump administration releases 2018 budget blueprint

On Mar. 16, the White House released the President’s budget blueprint, which gives a preliminary outline of the proposed topline budget for fiscal year 2018 (FY18). In keeping with the...