Search Results for: wild cam

March 23, 2017

UND students reflect on state chapter meeting

Seeing many of my fellow students get more and more involved throughout the year, especially at the North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting February 8-10, 2017 brought...

March 22, 2017

Passion drives McDonough Award winner

Nominations for the 2017 Jim McDonough Award will be accepted through May 1. Click on the link above to visit the McDonough Award webpage, or visit to learn more...

March 21, 2017

Wolves and coyotes play different ecosystem roles

While eastern coyote populations are abundant in Ontario, researchers recently found the canids play a different role than wolves in predator-prey interactions. Ontario is one of only a few areas...

March 20, 2017

WSB study: App lets hunters help managers count moose

Counting moose throughout the vast boreal forests and mountain ranges where they roam can be hard to do. Helicopter surveys are effective but expensive, so they tend to be few...

March 17, 2017

Drones successfully capture bird sounds

Recording bird sounds by drone might be a good way to survey birds in hard-to-reach areas, according to new research. In a study published in The Auk: Ornithological Advances, researchers...

March 15, 2017

Bayer Bee Care raises commitment to TWS as Strategic Partner

Bayer Bee Care has raised their commitment to The Wildlife Society, signing an agreement to move from Premier to Strategic Partner. The mutually beneficial agreement will provide the Society with...

March 14, 2017

Populations of three endangered mammals increased in 2016

New population estimates for 2016 have revealed net population increases for the Florida panther, Florida manatee, and Mexican gray wolf since 2015. For each of these three endangered species, this...

March 8, 2017

UMD Student Chapter advocates for bird-safe building design

The University of Maryland’s Student Chapter of TWS participated in the Lights Out Baltimore initiative this past fall semester in an effort to promote bird-safe building design and windows. The...

March 7, 2017

Third jaguar in U.S. spotted in Arizona

A jaguar (Panthera onca) has been captured by trail camera in Arizona, making it the third jaguar confirmed in the United States since 2011. The camera trap captured the photo...

March 6, 2017

Neotropical spotted cats coexist near reserves

Only 2 percent of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest lies under government protection, but some species of spotted cats appear to prefer those more protected areas, recent research suggests, and they co-exist...