TWS News

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The Sept/Oct issue of The Wildlife Professional

Changes in the Chesapeake: In the face of climate change and pollution, biologists take action

Read Now September 3, 2024
September 16, 2024

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Find out more about the products, services and efforts TWS’ conference sponsors have to offer

September 16, 2024

AI could help reduce wildlife deaths caused by fencing

Software may help wildlife managers find remote fence lines that hinder animal migration

September 13, 2024

JWM: Borneo turtles do well when logging is done right

Occupancy of vulnerable species is high in sustainably logged areas

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February 10, 2023

Watch: Netting some fishing help from dolphins

Humans and dolphins both benefit from an unusual partnership

February 9, 2023

WSB: Harassing geese may not keep them away

In Chicago, geese just went to the park for a while

February 9, 2023

Mule Deer Foundation joins with federal agencies for habitat work

The foundation has reached agreements with the Forest Service and BLM


February 8, 2023

Wild Cam: How does injury affect moose movement patterns?

Researchers captured videos of injured moose using game trails in northern British Columbia

February 8, 2023

Disagreements dog next steps for mountain lion P-22

Biologists want tissue samples; some Tribal representatives want it buried intact

February 7, 2023

Wildlife Vocalizations: Jacob Powers

Powers is inspired by his family and driven to make them proud


February 7, 2023

Are deer a COVID virus reservoir?

Variants of the virus remain in white-tailed deer after humans no longer contract it

February 6, 2023

UMaine’s Student Chapter contributed to historic progress for RAWA during the last Congress

A UMaine event supporting Recovering America’s Wildlife Act is an example of how students can take action

February 6, 2023

Western monarch population numbers reach new heights

But the butterflies still aren’t close to historic numbers