Gunnison Sage Grouse Gets Federal Protection
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) listed the Gunnison sage grouse as threatened under the Endangered Species Act this week. FWS also established 1.4 million acres of critical habitat...

Learn in the Great Outdoors
The Wildlife Society announces the Northeast (NE) Section’s Wildlife Field Course taking place in Castleton, VT from May 17-30, 2015. The NE Section offers a two week long, hands-on, outdoor...

Wildlife Management Issues on the Ballot Last Week
Four states voted on ballot measures related to wildlife management last week – primarily in regards to how hunting is managed and treated within the state. Alabama and Mississippi each...

Bats Compete for Resources
Researchers recently found that Mexican free-tailed bats compete for food by jamming each other’s echolocation frequencies mid-hunt — a behavior that has never been seen before. Read more at BBC...

Going Beyond Professional Development
The 2014 TWS Leadership Institute concluded last month during TWS’s Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Participants of the 2014 Leadership Institute completed several assignments, readings, and analytical discussions throughout the...

Report Finds Biodiversity Goals are Off Track
Despite the efforts of some nations, the world is not on track to meet its biodiversity goals, according to a new progress report from the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD),...

Court Strikes Down ESA Protections for Prairie Dog
A federal judge struck down protection for a species of prairie dog in Utah last week. U.S. District Court Judge Dee Benson reasoned that since the prairie dog’s range is...

Travel Grants Deliver High Value for Students
The Wildlife Society recently awarded a total of $7,000 in travel grants to 18 deserving students who had been selected to be presenters at the 21st Annual Conference in Pittsburgh....

A Gray Wolf in the Grand Canyon?
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials are investigating reports of a gray wolf sighting in Grand Canyon National Park—the species hasn’t been seen in the area since the 1940s. Read...