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The Sept/Oct issue of The Wildlife Professional

Changes in the Chesapeake: In the face of climate change and pollution, biologists take action

Read Now September 3, 2024
September 16, 2024

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September 16, 2024

AI could help reduce wildlife deaths caused by fencing

Software may help wildlife managers find remote fence lines that hinder animal migration

September 13, 2024

JWM: Borneo turtles do well when logging is done right

Occupancy of vulnerable species is high in sustainably logged areas

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February 24, 2023

Watch: Boosting bighorn numbers in Oregon

Biologists are monitoring an important California bighorn sheep population

February 23, 2023

What’s the best way to translocate snakes?

Researchers examined dozens of studies to find the best strategies

February 23, 2023

Project seeks to protect Cayman Island sea turtles from climate impacts

The effort will seek ways to aid the turtles and the coastal areas they occupy


February 22, 2023

Window decals create sticky situation for deterring bird strikes

Researchers found the decals only work when placed on the outside

February 22, 2023

NWTF awards Duane Diefenbach for turkey restoration

Diefenbach collaborates on the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s wild turkey research

February 21, 2023

Administration finalizes guidance on Indigenous knowledge in federal rulemaking

The guidance highlights the importance of incorporating Indigenous knowledge in federal rulemaking

February 21, 2023

Scent-trained dogs can detect chronic wasting disease

Canines could help manage the spread of a deadly prion disease

February 17, 2023

When plague wiped out prairie dogs, the entire ecosystem changed

The loss of prairie dogs influenced vegetation and other wildlife

February 17, 2023

Tony Wasley to head Wildlife Management Institute

Wasley will replace Steve Williams, who is retiring March 31