Piping plovers return to New Jersey beach after 25 years
At Island Beach State Park in New Jersey, wildlife biologists are celebrating the arrival of three birds that look like cotton balls on toothpicks. “That’s not an exaggeration,” said Christina...
How bumble bees balance their diet
When bumble bees go foraging, they are seeking more than a pretty flower. The insects select pollen with just the right nutrients, preferring a protein-to-fat ratio of about five to...
Human food scraps change Steller’s jay behavior
Crumbs on a picnic table may seem like a minor way to alter an ecosystem, but they and other campground refuse are enough to restructure how jays use space, according...
A falcon legacy
Skip Ambrose hasn’t missed an American peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) nesting season in 40 years. Through binoculars and spotting scopes, he has watched the population on the upper Yukon River...
Climate change could strip bluebirds of their ‘home-court advantage’
What do basketball teams and bluebirds have in common? Both may gain a “home-court advantage” from competing on their own ground. A new study found that at newly placed nest...
‘Frankenturtles’ may help solve turtle stranding mystery
There’s no bringing a dead sea turtle back to life. But by filling its carcass with Styrofoam and a GPS tracker, researchers can turn it into a scientific instrument, gathering...
Wild Cam: Wildlife largely undisturbed by outdoor adventurers
Have you ever wondered whether your hike through the woods is disturbing wildlife? You can probably relax, according to a new study that assessed how animals react to hunting and...
JWM Study: Suburban pumas eat more raccoons, house cats
There’s no shortage of deer in the residential neighborhoods of California’s Santa Cruz Mountains. Nevertheless, the closer pumas (Puma concolor) come to human dwellings, the more likely they are to...
Hundreds of endangered toads released in Wyoming
On June 1, 900 captive-bred Wyoming toads (Anaxyrus baxteri) hopped into the wild at three sites along Wyoming’s Little Laramie River, marking the largest-ever release of adult amphibians by the...