Image Credit: Pete Pattavina

©Pete Pattavina


©Steve Hillebrand

Executive Board 2020-2022

The Georgia Chapter of TWS is chaired by a seven person executive board. Meet the current officers.

Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge


History and Bylaws

Georgia Chapter Bylaws

Georgia Chapter History

©Pete Pattavina


The Georgia Chapter of TWS periodically awards the GA TWS Early Career Award in Honor of Dr. Bob Warren and the Jenkins-Crockford-Hayes Wildlife Conservation Award. Please visit this page for more information and to submit nominations.

©George Gentry

Student Chapters

The state of Georgia includes student chapters of TWS at the following colleges/universities:

Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC)

University of Georgia

©Steve Hillebrand

TWS Section

The Georgia Chapter is a member of the Southeastern Section of The Wildlife Society. We encourage chapter members to also join the Southeastern Section to remain informed of and engaged in regional issues of importance to the wildlife profession.

Spring Bear


Resolutions and Statements

Chapter Resolution on Baiting

Please view the GATWS DEI Statement.