Geographical Location: Southwest

July 5, 2016

New rules to prevent CWD in Texas

In an effort to control chronic wasting disease — a fatal and contagious neurological condition that affects deer — Texas Parks and Wildlife commissioners recently adopted new rules to regulate...

June 9, 2016

TWS chooses winner for 2017 conference Logo Contest

With such diverse cultural and ecological influences in the American Southwest, there was no shortage of unique designs submitted to the Logo Contest for TWS’ 2017 Annual Conference in Albuquerque,...

March 31, 2016

Conference 2017: Logo contest kick-off

The Wildlife Society is seeking design submissions for the 2017 Annual Conference Logo Contest. The logo is an important characteristic of the conference, which will be held in Albuquerque, New...

March 7, 2016

TWS member tracks the mystery of snow leopard populations

It was 2009 in a small valley in the Gobi Desert in southern Mongolia, about 50 miles from the Chinese border. Local sheep and goat herders in the area had...

December 18, 2015

Video: Working Together to Restore Quail in Texas

Researchers, non-profit organizations, landowners and managers in Texas have joined forces to help restore habitat for the state’s quail populations. Northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus), scaled or “blue” quail (Callipepla squamata),...

October 29, 2015

Green Roofs Offer a Taste of Home for Birds in Cities

Apart from the usual green spaces, it appears that city birds also appreciate landscaped roofs. A recent study published in the Wildlife Society Bulletin shows how green roofs — tops...

October 23, 2015

Human Food Diet Not Linked to Coyote-Human Conflict

The coyotes responsible for killing Canadian folk singer, Taylor Mitchell in 2009 had a low diet of human-produced food, according to surprising new research that throws conventional wisdom on its...

Texas Chapter President Roel Lopez attaches a GPS collar to a deer
July 30, 2015

Texas Chapter President Provides Testimony on CWD

Roel Lopez, president of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, recently provided testimony at a special meeting held by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission on chronic wasting disease...

White breasted nuthatch
July 23, 2015

Why Environment Matters With Songbird Genes

Similar kinds of habitats may be more important than geographic proximity when it comes to finding which birds are of a genetic feather. A new study examining white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta...

Desert tortoises
July 7, 2015

Threatened Desert Tortoises Good at Weathering Wildfires

The wildfires occurring with increasing frequency in the Mojave Desert don’t have much of an effect on desert tortoises, according to new research. “The thing about tortoises is they’re resilient...