Geographical Location: Northeastern

October 31, 2017

WSB: Tapping into locavores as potential hunters

As hunter numbers continue to decrease in the United States, researchers looking for ways to recruit nontraditional hunters may have found a group to tap into — locavores, or people...

October 24, 2017

JWM study: West Nile could be impacting Pennsylvania grouse

A new study from Pennsylvania suggests that the West Nile virus may be partly to blame for the decline of ruffed grouse and could be undermining efforts to restore the...

October 23, 2017

New Hampshire hosts African wildlifers on US State Dept. tour

At the request of the World Affairs Council of New Hampshire, USDA Wildlife Services (WS) in New Hampshire hosted a delegation of wildlife professionals from six African countries September 28th. ...

September 7, 2017

With climate change, fun in the sun may mean fun in the scum

As climate change warms the planet, algal blooms may leave lakes throughout the United States covered with scum, harming aquatic ecosystems and interfering with people’s enjoyment of the water. “If...

July 6, 2017

JWM study: New England eiders return to same near-shore wintering areas

In southern New England, eiders winter at the same sites every year, choosing habitats with shallow water and hard bottoms close to the shore, a recent study from Rhode Island...

July 5, 2017

The July/August issue of The Wildlife Professional

The threats to natural resources and the need for smarter resource conservation in the face of those threats has continued to grow for many decades. The cover feature of this...

June 1, 2017

New Hampshire’s bobcats are back

Not long ago, bobcats (Lynx rufus) were elusive creatures in New Hampshire, but TWS member John Litvaitis, an emeritus professor of wildlife ecology at the University of New Hampshire, has...

May 15, 2017

From Pristine to Polluted and Back — from The Wildlife Professional

The waters of Maine’s Lake Auburn were renowned for being pristine. Surrounded by fields, forests and the grassy campus of Central Maine Community College, the 2,260-acre lake above the towns...

May 1, 2017

The May/June issue of The Wildlife Professional

The lesser prairie chicken faces an uncertain future despite efforts of conservationists and wildlife biologists in five states. This issue of The Wildlife Professional looks at range-wide conservation plans in Colorado, New...

March 31, 2017

Wildlife may suffer from longer transition into spring

Marked by the increased availability of light, the vernal window is the time between the end of winter and the beginning of the growing season. Now research suggests that the...