Category: Around the Web

June 20, 2023

To conserve species, protect existing parks

Protecting—and expanding—existing parks may be as important as creating new ones

June 16, 2023

Boat strikes a growing cause of Belize manatee deaths

As boat traffic increases, it poses a greater threat

June 15, 2023

Rare wolverine spotted in California

It’s only the second confirmed wolverine seen in the state in the past century

June 14, 2023

Just one northern spotted owl remains in Canada

Two owls released last year have died and a third was injuired

June 13, 2023

Colombia’s invasive hippo problem may have doubled

The hippos descended from ones kept by drug kingpin Pablo Escobar

June 12, 2023

Watch: Recovering relict leopard frogs

The rare frogs were once thought to be extinct

June 9, 2023

Mammals moved differently during COVID-19 lockdowns

Animals traveled farther and closer to roads during “anthropause”

June 8, 2023

To protect black terns, follow their migration

Focusing on the breeding grounds may not be enough

June 7, 2023

Protecting tigers can pay off for the environment

Researchers found tiger reserves benefit forests and the climate

June 6, 2023

Small surveys can give a big picture

Researchers looked at key interactions to gauge the health of the ecosystem