SDWG Duties & Functions:

  • Reviewing Student-Research-in-Progress abstracts for the TWS Annual Conference
  • Hosting the Student Chapter Leader’s Breakfast at the TWS Annual Conference
  • Selecting the Student Chapter Advisor of the Year
  • Administering the TWS TrailBlazer Grant with ECPWG
  • Hosting student development workshops and webinars in collaboration with TWS units
  • Providing resources to students through the Student eWildlifer, SDWG Discord Community and Social Media
  • Providing recommendations to TWS Council related to student development
  • Organizing the annual virtual TWS Student Chapter BioBlitz event


The SDWG has an annual meeting each year, which takes place at The Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference. In addition, the officers meet 8-10 times per year. 


View the TWS Student Development Working Group charter

Become a member

All student members of The Wildlife Society are automatically members of the Student Development Working Group at no additional charge. We welcome membership to any other TWS members interested in supporting students.