Search Results for: wild cam

November 5, 2019

Do animals have consciousness?

What is the inner life of animals like? It can be a controversial question, but as technology advances, researchers are getting better pictures of what cognition means in wildlife. “We’re...

November 1, 2019

Sen. Udall releases ambitious proposal for land, water conservation

Senator Tom Udall, D-NM, introduced a Senate resolution that calls for protecting at least 30% of the United States’ lands and waters by 2030. The resolution, called the Thirty by...

October 31, 2019

Bluebird cares for another species’ offspring

Researchers captured footage of a male eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) feeding young tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) while studying the effects of gas compressor noise on songbird reproduction behavior in nest...

October 25, 2019

WSB: Trappers help biologists grasp wolverine numbers

Wolverine biologists are tapping into decades of trapper knowledge from remote parts of Alberta to gain a better understanding of the distribution of the rare mammal in the Canadian province....

October 23, 2019

TWS council member testifies at hearing regarding CWD

TWS Northeast Section Representative Paul Johansen testified to members of Congress last week about chronic wasting disease and ways the federal government can help state agencies combat it. The Chief...

October 21, 2019

JWM: Grizzly deaths along tracks occur in surprising places

Grizzlies in western Canada may need to look both ways before they cross the train tracks. Although grizzlies (Ursus arctos horribilis) have often been witnessed alongside the rails seeking grain...

October 21, 2019

Florida panther genome reveals higher genetic diversity

Bringing in Texas pumas in the mid-’90s reduced Florida panther inbreeding and increased the panther’s genetic diversity threefold, researchers found after sequencing the panther’s genome. The Florida panther (Puma concolor...

October 18, 2019

Council Meeting News and Notes

The Wildlife Society Council held two meetings in Reno prior to and during the joint conference with the American Fisheries Society. The major actions and discussion topics from those meetings...

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October 17, 2019

Wyoming Chapter: President’s Message Spring/Summer 2019

Spring/Summer 2019 Message from President Embere Hall “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.” ‒ Shirley Chisholm I borrow these words to talk...

October 17, 2019

Time trumps environment for head-started turtles

Giving turtles a chance to grow in captivity is more important for their future success in the wild than environmental enrichment, according to new research. “It doesn’t really matter so...