Search Results for: wild cam

December 13, 2019

JWM: Are southwest Canada wolverines being overharvested?

Trappers may be harvesting wolverines at unsustainable levels in the south of their range in the Canadian Rockies, according to new research. Maintaining population numbers in this area can be...

December 12, 2019

Looking beyond the visible spectrum to detect pythons

While contracted python hunters in Florida’s Everglades are attempting to eliminate the invasive species that’s devastating the natural ecosystem, they aren’t easy to see with the naked eye. But video...

December 9, 2019

WSB: Two thumbs up for Colorado two-strike bear policy

Since 1985, Colorado wildlife officers have had a two-strike policy in dealing with black bears. One call about a bear in the trash, the car trunk or the kitchen, and...

December 6, 2019

For mammal diversity, land protections aren’t always enough

Even if an area is protected, it doesn’t necessarily mean there is more mammal diversity than unprotected areas, researchers in Canada found. Instead, it’s the landscape features within and between...

December 6, 2019

Watch: Moose spar in Wyoming

Male moose have a special way of establishing a pecking order when encountering one another in the wild without too much undue violence, despite their brawn.  Moose (Alces alces) lock...

December 2, 2019

For North Dakota bats, dwindling wetlands are crucial

Under the best of circumstances, bats can be tricky to study. In North Dakota, where caves are few and bats may roost wherever they can find a rocky crevice, it...

November 27, 2019

Q&A: Kristin Winchell on why urban ecology matters

Cities are growing in some parts of the world at an extraordinary rate, swallowing up swaths of formerly wild habitat. But as these urban environments become the norm in some...

November 27, 2019

WSB: Marksmen outperform hunters eliminating infected herd

Chronic wasting disease has mostly affected North American wildlife, but when it appeared among reindeer in Norway in 2016, authorities took drastic action. Government officials ordered the eradication of the...

November 22, 2019

Caribou migrate a long way — but wolves travel even farther

In the battle between wolf and caribou, who wins? This isn’t a battle for survival. This is bragging rights for long-distance travel. Researchers set out to determine which species globally...

November 18, 2019

Researchers home in on swine habits to fight the invasion

Tracking the destructive habits of feral swine in different parts of North America is giving researchers new ideas about how to stop the invasive animals. “Pigs have this really great...