Search Results for: wild cam

April 20, 2020

WSB: How to best use acoustic monitoring to survey flying squirrels

Trapping elusive flying squirrels isn’t easy — some research shows biologists have just a 1% success rate. Nest boxes are another option, but they sometimes have to be deployed for...

April 17, 2020

Climate affects which elk that wolves kill

Douglas Smith and his colleagues had been working on a two-decade-long project tracking gray wolf activity in Yellowstone when he began to notice something strange that seemed counterintuitive to knowledge...

April 14, 2020

Underwater videos improve hellbender conservation

Underwater videos can help researchers find hellbenders without damaging or permanently scaring them away the rocks where they nest.   Eastern hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) are elusive and hard to detect, though...

April 3, 2020

Watch: Allegheny woodrats disappear from parts of their range

Threatened Allegheny woodrats are disappearing from areas in Pennsylvania, according to state officials with the Pennsylvania Game Commission. In 2017 in Clinton County, the commission deployed 13 trail cameras to...

March 27, 2020

JWM: Domestic dogs may hamper panda recovery

Dogs living around a Chinese nature reserve where pandas are reintroduced can negatively affect the bears by attacking young pandas or introducing parasites and diseases. Growing evidence shows that domestic...

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March 24, 2020

TWS Issue Statement: The Antarctic

Back to Position Statements page The Antarctic continent and surrounding Southern Ocean support unique terrestrial ecosystems and some of the world’s most biologically productive neritic and pelagic food webs. At...

March 24, 2020

Public lands wrestle with COVID-19 response

State and federal public land agencies are wrestling with how to respond to the new coronavirus after initial federal efforts intended to offer “an antidote to cabin fever” were met...

March 20, 2020

Red-winged blackbirds’ genes change when cowbirds are near

When brood parasitic brown-headed cowbirds are nearby, red-winged black birds’ genes function in similar ways to when they respond aggressively toward their own species, researchers found. “We always wanted to...

March 20, 2020

‘An antidote to cabin fever’ — with precautions

In response to the new coronavirus, several federal land agencies in the United States and Canada are waiving fees to encourage people to safely visit the outdoors while shutting facilities...

March 16, 2020

WSB: Noose carpets lasso rare rails

Researchers are successfully hooking marsh birds with a novel noose carpet technique that uses steel mesh and fishing line to lasso the birds to learn more about their migration. The...