TWS News


The July/August issue of The Wildlife Professional

Native Wildlife, Native Lands: Indigenous communities play a growing role in conservation and management

Read Now July 9, 2024
July 18, 2024

Isolated turtle population receives federal listing

The Pearl River map turtle will receive a threatened listing under the Endangered Species Act

July 17, 2024

2024 TWS election results are in

Evelyn Merrill has won the vice presidency while Al Arsenault, Lisa Muller, and Kathy Granillo have been elected to Council

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Moose calf
March 4, 2015

Researchers to Revisit Moose Study

After two years of struggling to study moose calves, Minnesota wildlife researchers plan to give the moose calves study another try this year after working out a few issues. Last...

March 4, 2015

Turnips, Radishes and Peas Lure Deer Away From Livestock Feed

Researchers with South Dakota State University are finishing up a three-year study funded by the South Dakota Department of Fish, Game and Parks and the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station...

Turkey vultures
March 4, 2015

Turkey Vultures Turning Up Comatose

Recent lab work has determined why turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) have been turning up comatose in wildlife clinics in northern California since last year. Researchers with the California Department of...


March 3, 2015

Assessing the Big Picture on Declining Gull Populations

Gull populations off Canada’s southwest coast have dropped by half since the 1980s, likely due to a decline in quality food, according to a new study. But at the risk...

Madagascar amphibian
March 3, 2015

Deadly Amphibian Fungus Hits Madagascar

Scientists are calling for an emergency plan to protect the fauna of Madagascar after a fungal disease that has laid waste to vast populations of amphibians across the world has...

March 2, 2015

Proposed Budget Beefs Up Livestock Depredation Funds

As the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reinstates gray wolves as a federally endangered species due to a court order, Minnesota famers are worried about limitations on the ability of...


White ibris
March 2, 2015

Florida Releases Draft Plan for Conserving 60 Species

Florida’s state wildlife agency has created a draft plan to manage 60 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and other aquatic life. The Imperiled Species Management Plan released last...

Bear Study
February 27, 2015

Video: Unity College Students Study Bears in Maine

In cooperation with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries, students at Unity College participate in a bear study to help prepare them for future careers in wildlife biology. The students...

February 27, 2015

TWS and Chapters Comment on Wetland Determinations

The Wildlife Society, in partnership with the Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota TWS Chapters, and several other conservation and sportsmen’s groups has signed onto a letter providing comments to...