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The September issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management is now available

Articles focus on evaluating camera-based density estimates, inbreeding depression in Mexican wolves and more

Read Now August 30, 2024
August 30, 2024

The September issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management is now available

Articles focus on evaluating camera-based density estimates, inbreeding depression in Mexican wolves and more

August 29, 2024

JWM: Coyotes and wild pigs may be hijacking deer feeders

Research shows that feeders may pose a risk to white-tailed deer health and prevalence

August 29, 2024

Once extirpated ibis is now migrating again—with help

Flight instructors are guiding the migration of northern bald ibises in Europe

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September 6, 2022

Harmful pesticide residues found in monarch food

Milkweed plants are vital for monarch butterflies and their larvae, providing nutrition to power their multi-generational migrations. Many of these plants have declined due to human development, prompting conservation organizations...

September 2, 2022

New bird species discovered in remote Chilean island

Researchers have described a bird species new to science found on a remote island off the southern tip of the Americas. The subantarctic rayadito (Aphrastura subantarctica), a small brown bird...

September 2, 2022

Citizen science app reveals unique roles islands play for birds

Islands are popular spots for birdwatching—places to get a glimpse of unusual resident species as well as migratory species passing through. As a result, islands have an outsize presence on...


September 1, 2022

The September issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management

The Journal of Wildlife Management is a benefit of membership in The Wildlife Society. Published eight times annually, it is one of the world’s leading scientific journals covering wildlife science, management...

September 1, 2022

Don’t let TWS’ Annual Conference get in the way of voting

Here at The Wildlife Society, we hope to see everyone turn out for our Annual Conference in Spokane, Washington, Nov. 6 to 10. But turning out for wildlife doesn’t mean...

August 31, 2022

Brown treesnake and bullfrog invasions cost billions

The invasion of just two species has cost $17 billion over the past 35 years, according to a new study examining the effects of alien reptiles and amphibians. Brown treesnakes...

August 31, 2022

How do martens and fishers share territory?

Martens and fishers may appear rather similar—almost interchangeable. Fishers are a little bigger than martens, but both furry mustelids are found in forest ecosystems and consume similar types of prey....

August 30, 2022

Alabama red-bellied turtles face hybrid threat

Habitat loss is one of the main threats facing Alabama red-bellied turtles, but it isn’t the only one. Researchers found that hybridization is reducing the species’ genetic uniqueness. Found only...

August 30, 2022

Air vaccines fight spread of rabies

Wildlife managers are fighting the spread of rabies in the eastern U.S. by delivering millions of oral rabies vaccines by air. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is working to control...