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The September issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management is now available

Articles focus on evaluating camera-based density estimates, inbreeding depression in Mexican wolves and more

Read Now August 30, 2024
August 30, 2024

The September issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management is now available

Articles focus on evaluating camera-based density estimates, inbreeding depression in Mexican wolves and more

August 29, 2024

JWM: Coyotes and wild pigs may be hijacking deer feeders

Research shows that feeders may pose a risk to white-tailed deer health and prevalence

August 29, 2024

Once extirpated ibis is now migrating again—with help

Flight instructors are guiding the migration of northern bald ibises in Europe

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September 16, 2022

JWM: Training keas not to pick their poison

Curiosity may sometimes kill the kea in New Zealand, but researchers are hoping memory retention may keep them away from poisoned baits. Kea (Nestor notabilis), a parrot species, were once...

September 16, 2022

Survey finds strong support for RAWA

A strong majority of Americans from across the political spectrum support the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, according to a recent survey. The survey found 70% of respondents back the proposed...

September 16, 2022

Watch: New wolves ID’d in Oregon

Oregon wildlife officials have identified a new group of gray wolves (Canis lupus) in the state—the third known group in the northern Cascades. “Two wolves were first found in December...

September 15, 2022

Watch: Afraid of change? Try returning rare mynas to the wild

Learning about neophobia—or the fear of new things—can help researchers figure out how to contribute to bringing back a bird species that’s nearly extinct from the wild in Indonesia. Only...

September 15, 2022

Bird flu kills Florida dolphin

A bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) was found dead in Florida due to bird flu. It’s the first cetacean found with highly pathogenic avian influenza in the United States and one...

September 14, 2022

USFWS proposed to list tricolored bats as endangered

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed listing tricolored bats as federally endangered due to the widespread impact of the deadly white-nose syndrome. Tricolored bats (Perimyotis subflavus) are found...


September 14, 2022

USFWS proposes an experimental population of Guam kingfisher

The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service plans to develop a nonessential experimental population of Guam kingfisher (Todiramphus cinnamominus) on Palmyra Atoll to assist the USFWS in gathering information necessary for...

September 13, 2022

Q&A: Tourism could challenge disease refugia

Tourism can be a great way to get people interested in conservation and wildlife in general—seeing animals in their natural habitats can make a huge impression on people. But too...

September 13, 2022

TWS2021: Box turtles prefer native flora, avoid disturbance

Ornate box turtles are found widely across parts of the Great Plains of the United States, but researchers don’t know a lot about their habitat preferences in New Mexico. TWS...