JWM: Lead poses biggest risk to eagles
Researchers looked at lead exposure in 14 birds and 17 mammals

Grant boosts Hawaiian honeycreeper recovery in Hawaii
Grant money will help fight the effects of avian malaria on Hawaiian honeycreepers

Wild Cam: Frog saunas may ward off chytrid disease
A simple brick and greenhouse setup helps Australian amphibians ward off and build resistance to deadly disease

Dogs may be key in detecting CWD infection
Trained dogs may be able to detect a CWD infection in wild and captive cervids

Unique deer scraping behavior can spread CWD
Two studies suggest the communication behavior in deer can facilitate the spread of chronic wasting disease

Do golf courses help rabies spread in Arizona?
Researchers wondered if artificial ponds there attracted species that host the virus

Humans may be passing COVID-19 to common wildlife species
Raccoons, opossums and eastern cottontails were among the commonly infected species in Virginia

Drought may boost parasite loads in giant salamanders
Dry conditions may lead to “overwhelming” numbers of trematodes in amphibians

Elephants receive first of its kind vaccine
A female 40-year-old received an mRNA vaccine against a herpesvirus