JWM: Despite predation, deer numbers in western Virginia are stable
Hunters had feared coyotes and bears were driving down deer populations

JWM: Reducing harvest regulations can boost male turkey numbers
Are hunting regulations keeping up with the South’s declining turkey numbers?

Moon sheds new light on how ocelots and bobcats share the landscape
The two cats seem similar, but their behaviors change with the phases of the moon

JWM: Invasive pythons may affect bobcats in the Everglades
Pythons compete with bobcats for prey

U.S. government sets out on first-ever assessment of nature
The effort seeks dozens of authors to contribute to a 2026 report

JWM: Wild turkeys may face a tougher future in a warmer world
Climate change may create more difficulties for struggling populations

Q&A: A framework for ethics in wildlife management
In a society with competing views of wildlife, should managers be more explicit about the values at stake?

TWS 2023: Confronting a changing profession
At TWS’ 30th Annual Conference, wildlifers grappled with shifting priorities

Two conservation artists receive ‘Ding’ Darling Memorial Award
Melissa Groo and Erika Coover are being honored for their work