©Caley Johnson
Benchmark Studies
The Nutritional Ecology Working Group will provide short reviews and links to research that has shaped the field of Nutritional Ecology.
Foundational papers and relevant literature in wildlife nutrition
Nutritional Database
The Nutritional Ecology Working Group is working to establish a database for sharing of nutritional quality data for vegetation (i.e., species collected, location of collection, date of collection, plant part, storage method, nutritional chemistry results).
Please check back for updates.

©Cayden Olstad

©Ashley Lohr
Lab Resources
The Nutritional Ecology Working Group is compiling a comprehensive list of labs that perform nutritional assays.
Please check back for updates.

©Merijn van den Bosch
Become a member
Membership is available to all current TWS members. You may join our Working Group by logging in to your TWS account.