Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Partners

About Our Partner Program

Partner support is important to the advancement of Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s (MN TWS) mission to inspire, empower and enable wildlife professionals to sustain wildlife populations and habitats through science-based management and conservation. Their financial contributions help us to provide professional development opportunities at our Annual Meeting and Workshops, reduce Meeting and Workshop registration fees to broaden access to more professionals, and more effectively implement our Strategic Plan and Annual Work Plan. Partners help us address issues and seize opportunities that are vital to growth of our community and our mission. We sincerely thank them for their commitment and encourage you to support them.

Gold Sponsor/Strategic Partner


Lakes States Fire Consortium


 Pheasants Forever

Silver Sponsor/Vendor

Minnesota Sharp-tailed Grouse Society

Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources

Ducks Unlimited

Minnesota Deer Hunters Association

The Nature Conservancy

National Wild Turkey Federation

Natural Resources Restorations, Inc.

Shooting Star Native Seeds

Advanced Telemetry Systems

Together we have a greater, positive impact.

MN TWS thanks our Partners for their support!

To learn more about MN TWS’s Partner Program,
email Jodie Provost at jodie.provost@yahoo.com.