2019 MNTWS Award Recipients Announced February 19, 2020 in Willmar, MN
The Minnesota Award was presented to Jodie Provost. This is our Chapter’s highest award and is presented to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to Minnesota’s wildlife and natural resources. It was first presented in 1958. Jodie is pictured (right) with presenter Martha Minchak (left).
The Conservation Award was presented to Pheasants Forever’s Land and Legacy Initiative. This award is presented was first presented in 1986, and is given annually to an organization or institution that has shown an outstanding commitment to Minnesota’s resources. Eran Sandquist and the rest of the PF team is pictured below with presenter Scott Glup (left).
The Student Conservationist Award was presented to co-recipients Kimberly Shelton and Tom Gable. This award was first presented in 1992, and is given annually to a Wildlife Major at a Minnesota college who had shown a commitment to wildlife, has high scholastic achievement, and shows promise as a future wildlife professional. Kim is pictured (center left) with presenters Dr Jake Haus, Dr. Brian Hiller, and Dr. Liz Rave. Dr. Joseph (Joe) Bump accepted Tom Gable’s award on his behalf (not pictured).
The Law Enforcement Award was presented to Officer Tom Hutchins. This award was first presented in 1992, and is given annually to an individual who has demonstrated dedication and service to the protection of Minnesota’s natural resources. Tom is pictured (right) with presenter Tom Provost (left).
The Janet Boe Memorial Award was presented to Michelle Carstensen. This award was first presented in 2008, and recognizes a professional woman or an outstanding female graduate or undergraduate student who exemplifies the consummate natural resource scientist. Accepting the award of her behalf is her husband, Marshall Deters (right), presented by Lou Cornicelli (left).
The Bob Fedeler Memorial Award was presented to co-recipients Tyler Garwood and Joseph (Joey) Riley. First presented in 2005, this award is given graduate/undergraduate students who have a 3.0 or better GPA, a strong interest in a career in wildlife biology, be active in extracurricular activities, have a strong sense of public service and have demonstrated good communication skills. Shown from left to right are Dr. Tiffany Wolf, Tyler Garwood, Dr. Liz Rave, and Joey Riley
Service to Chapter Awards, which are given to honor the exemplary service of individuals were also presented to Bruce Anderson, Mags Rheude, Lindsey Shartell, Thom Soule (not shown), and Tony Hewitt.

Tony Hewitt (left) and Bruce Anderson (right)

Tony Hewitt (left) and Lindsey Shartell (right)

Tony Hewitt (left) and Mags Rheude (right)

Past-President Tony Hewitt (left) and President Kyle Daly (right)