Geographical Location: Western

March 15, 2021

More biodiversity makes for healthy bees

More diverse communities of bees in Michigan, including both native and nonnative pollinators, result in less virus spread. Researchers had already known about a previous hypothesis called the Dilution Effect,...

March 15, 2021

Wild Mexican wolves reach record numbers

The population of Mexican wolves has increased in the wild once again, reaching 186 individuals in the U.S. Southwest in 2020. Mexican wolves (Canis lupus baileyi) were nearly extirpated from...

March 5, 2021

Puma presence impacts tree growth

Veronica Yovovich had always been curious about the shape of plants around her school campus. Many of the bay laurels close to the University of California, Santa Cruz, were shaped...

March 4, 2021

Salmonella outbreak affecting songbirds in western U.S.

A salmonella outbreak is affecting songbirds throughout the western United States. Affected birds have been reported from the West Coast to Idaho. Residents have reported birds acting strangely. Wildlife officials...

March 1, 2021

Western Section to host a drone workshop

The Western Section of The Wildlife Society will host a virtual two-part Drone Applications for Biologists workshop April 15-16 and April 22-23. The workshop is targeted towards biologists who are...

February 5, 2021

Watch: Record number of sandhill cranes appear in Arizona

Southern Arizona is seeing what appears to be a record number of migratory sandhill cranes. Observers counted 47,601 of them. About half of those are in the Whitewater Draw Wildlife...

February 3, 2021

Toxic chemicals linked to sea lion cancer

Researchers believe a cancer that has killed sea lions in California for years is linked to toxic chemicals in the water. After two decades of research, scientists concluded a previously...

January 29, 2021

JWM: Researchers find unexpected sea otter hotspots

As central California sea otters recover from past centuries of overharvesting, they’re gradually expanding into areas they historically occupied. By understanding which types of habitats support higher sea otter abundance,...

January 25, 2021

Hundreds of land snails have gone extinct in the past century

Most people don’t pay much attention to snails — especially when the pea-sized gastropods live on a rocky uninhabited islet in Hawaii and don’t even have a name. But Norine...

January 14, 2021

Camera spies rare Catalina Island shrew

A Catalina Island shrew has made an appearance for the first time since 2004, confirming to biologists that the species is not extinct. The shrew appeared on a trail camera...