Geographical Location: Western

May 25, 2021

Flexible bees fare better

Bee species that can easily change their pollination behavior have a better chance of survival in an area of California that’s under stress from agriculture and climate change. Intensive monoculture...

April 23, 2021

Student launches birding game for kids

A 15-year-old student recently launched a mobile app game to get children more interested in birding without even having to go outside. Adam Dhalla, the recipient of the 2018 American...

April 16, 2021

‘Forever chemicals’ may threaten Pacific sea turtles

A female hawksbill sea turtle unwittingly ingested many of the chemicals in her body while feeding off the coast of northern Oahu for several years before 2012. By the time...

April 15, 2021

Dogs stymie spread of avian botulism in Hawaii

Avian botulism first hit Laysan ducks in Midway Atoll in 2008. The disease, essentially a form of food poisoning, threatened to derail the recovery work of one of the most...

April 8, 2021

Tahoe bears carrying unknown disease exhibit fearlessness

A new disease is causing strange behavior in young black bears in California and Nevada. Videos and other reports have appeared around Lake Tahoe and in California documenting young bears...

April 6, 2021

Hawaiian stilt may be downlisted to threatened

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to reclassify the ae’o, or the Hawaiian stilt (Himantopus mexicanusknudseni), from endangered to threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The Hawaiian stilt,...

March 29, 2021

Could more Southwest land support more jaguars?

In 1964, a federal control agent with the U.S. government shot and killed the last known jaguar north of Interstate 10 in Arizona. While some people have spotted the animals...

March 24, 2021

Condors to soar over Pacific Northwest again

The California condor will return to the Pacific Northwest for the first time in a century. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service and the Yurok Tribe plan...

March 23, 2021

Mexico has high-quality wolf habitat

Large tracts of high-quality habitat for Mexican wolves can be found across northern Mexico and the southwestern U.S., according to cross-border distribution modeling revealing suitable areas for the animals. Mexican...

March 22, 2021

Watch: Condor lays an egg in tree scorched by Dolan Fire

A female condor in a redwood forest burned in last year’s devastating Dolan Fire has laid an egg in the top of a charred redwood tree, offering hope for the...