Geographical Location: Mexico

September 4, 2019

Mexican government shrinks funding for science

Government-funded scientific efforts in Mexico are facing significant cutbacks. To free up funds for poverty-alleviation programs, the federal government is cutting 30% to 50% of the funds that institutions, including...

August 6, 2019

Watch: Temperature drives internal clock for monarchs

When monarch butterflies overwinter in central Mexico and along the California coast, they spend much of the time dormant to help with their winter survival before reproduction. Researchers recently found...

June 5, 2019

For some songbirds, migration ends in a shark’s mouth

When Marcus Drymon was conducting his usual shark surveys in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, he wasn’t surprised to catch a small tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier). The surprise was...

May 20, 2019

JWM: Are black brant numbers going up — or down?

To judge by the annual surveys, black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) are on the upswing. After years of decline, aerial counts along their migration routes — between Mexico’s Baja Peninsula...

May 1, 2019

Translocated Nevada hawk moves on to Mexico

As a Wildlife Services airport biologist working at Naval Air Station Fallon in Nevada, I recently heard from an enthusiastic birder, Tony Thacker, who had spotted a red-tailed hawk (Buteo...

April 19, 2019

Watch: Tracking the monarchs to Mexico

Before the 1970s, where monarch butterflies overwintered was a mystery. Then researchers succeeded worked with Mexicans to trace the migration to the hills of Michoacan. In the video below, Atlas...

January 31, 2019

Monarch butterflies increase dramatically in Mexico

Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus), which have been steeply declining throughout their range, showed a significant increase in their overwintering areas in Mexico, a World Wildlife Fund survey shows. The WWF...

December 10, 2018

Recolonizing Florida monarchs face steep decline

Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) stopping over in Florida while traveling north have declined 80 percent since 2005, according to a new study. The monarchs stop in Florida on their spring...

July 26, 2018

Study maps ‘climate corridors’ for shifting species

As climate change impacts ecosystems around the world, wildlife managers are expecting to see many species leave their current ranges for new areas better suited to them. But where are...

July 26, 2018

Scientists warn border wall would harm region’s species

A continuous border wall between the United States and Mexico would cause trouble for the biodiversity of 1,506 native terrestrial and freshwater animal and plant species that use the border...