Author: David Frey

July 31, 2023

The fishing wolves of Voyageurs

Newly described behavior expands our knowledge of these northern Minnesota packs

July 21, 2023

The August issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management

Examining dynamic occupancy of gray wolves in Idaho after a decade of managed harvest

July 19, 2023

2023 TWS Election Results

Fidel Hernández will be the next TWS vice president. Angela Fuller and Andrea Orabona will also join Council.

July 17, 2023

JWM: Saharan gazelles need large tracts of protected land

Prolonged drought may be affecting these desert-dwelling gazelles

July 14, 2023

TWS comments on NSF’s Procedures Guide revision

TWS made several recommendations for tribal engagement in the NSF funding process

July 13, 2023

The July/August issue of The Wildlife Professional

Untouchable Methods, Unparalleled Data: Noninvasive techniques yield new insights into wildlife

July 13, 2023

Drones give new insight into dolphin ages

By knowing their ages, researchers can gauge the health of dolphin populations

July 12, 2023

JWM: Large, intense burns may limit habitat for Washington lynx 

Climate change and past fire suppression had led to damaging wildfires

July 12, 2023

Big herbivores preserve plant life in a warming Arctic

Animals like caribou and musk oxen slow the loss of plant diversity caused by disappearing sea ice

July 11, 2023

TWS addresses proposed BLM rulemaking on conservation and landscape health

TWS made several recommendations for implementing conservation leases