Welcome to the Alabama Chapter of The Wildlife Society

Founded in 1978, the Alabama Chapter of The Wildlife Society (ACTWS) is a professional organization that serves and represents wildlife professionals in all areas of wildlife conservation and resource management. It is dedicated to the scientific conservation of wildlife resources and to furthering the education of those involved with or interested in wildlife conservation. The ACTWS promotes rigorous professional ethics for wildlife scientists and managers, facilitates the exchange of technical information, and works to influence legislation impacting wildlife resources.

Alabama Chapter Goals

  • Develop and maintain professional standards for wildlife research and management.
  • Enhance knowledge and technical capabilities of wildlife managers.
  • Advance professional stewardship of wildlife resources and their habitats.
  • Advocate the use of sound biological information for wildlife policy decisions.
  • Increase public awareness and appreciation of the wildlife profession.


ACTWS 2025 Mentor Program

Applications for the 2025 Mentor Program are now open!! The Mentor Program will run through Spring 2025 semester and is open to non-members as well. Please share with those you think might be interested.

 Submit your application to be a mentor or mentee using the links below! 

Mentee (students) Application – https://forms.gle/CVVotpNyebG258Rs8

Mentor (professionals) Application – https://forms.gle/CsxwUhwVAvV9HSck9

Applications are due by November 3, 2024. This will be the fourth session of this new program, and we are excited about the growth and networking opportunities that it will provide professionals and students.

Mentors and mentees will be paired based on application responses, and an introductory virtual session will occur sometime prior to Thanksgiving break . Mentors and mentees can meet as frequently as they’d like, but we recommend meeting once a month (virtually or in person).

Please contact the board if you have any questions at alabamatws@gmail.com. Apply now!



We would like to remind you of the ACTWS Logo contest and the upcoming deadline to submit your design.  The deadline to submit a design is November 22, 2024.

The ACTWS Board will vote and select finalists on December 2, 2024, then send those entries to ACTWS membership to vote for the new design. The contest winner will be selected and notified in early January 2025, awarded $250, and recognized on the ACTWS Website and social media outlets. Example of other state chapter logos can be viewed at the following link: Sections & Chapters – The Wildlife Society.

Contest specifics (including guidelines, eligibility requirements, etc.) are included in the attachment. These requirements include a disclaimer discouraging the use of generative AI but provide specific parameters should this technology be utilized.

We look forward to seeing the designs submitted!

Also, we wanted to inform membership that we will not be hosting a joint conference with the Georgia Chapter of the Wildlife Society during 2025 due to scheduling conflicts. We will pursue this as an option for the 2026 Annual Conference. Stayed tuned for more details concerning the 2025 Conference.

View the Alabama updates in the Southeastern Section’s most recent newsletter: Southeastern Section: News- The Wildlife Society

For current information from the Southeastern Section of The Wildlife Society, visit their website.

TWS Policy Priorities- Input Requested!

All interested members have the opporutunity to provide input to The Wildlife Society’s policy priorities. This input will be used to help identify policy priorities for the next two years and beyond. Please see the attached document below requesting input.

Anyone with comments should send them directly to Ray Metzler (Ray.Metzler@forestry.alabama.gov), Conservation Policy Committee Chair, by November 1. He will compile our comments and email them to the national organization by November 18 as requested in the original email sent by The Wildlife Society.   

2024 Election Cycle Results

We are excited to share the election results for the 2024 voting cycle. Thank you to the nominees for making this a competitive election and agreeing to run for the upcoming positions. Please join us in welcoming the following to the Executive Committee!

At-Large Board Member: Tyler Sibley

SE Section Rep: Olivia Sciandra

President-Elect: Mark Bailey