

    Field Trip for WWG Members at 2025 TWS Meeting: The WWG will be submitting a field trip proposal for the 2025 TWS meeting in Edmonton. We will have more information about the experience and how to register very soon!


    WWG Members meeting at TWS in Baltimore: The WWG held a group meeting at the national TWS meeting in Baltimore on October 22, 2024. Attendees discussed networking ideas and future directions of the working group.



    A Process-based Approach to Wetland Management Workshop: The WWG co-sponsored this workshop at the AFS-TWS Joint Annual Meeting in Reno, NV on September 29, 2019. This full day workshop focused on the foundational wetland ecology concepts required to recognize abiotic factors unique to each management site and link those conditions with the biotic communities that determine the potential for management success. Abiotic conditions that drive wetland processes, such as climatic, hydrologic, soil, and geomorphic, were discussed. Examples of the successful application of these principles in temperate, arid, tropical, coastal, floodplain, and Mediterranean wetland habitats across the United States were provided by instructors from State and Federal land management agencies, universities, non-profits, and private consultants. See the workshop agenda in our August 2019 newsletter.


    Arid Wetlands Symposium: The WWG teamed up with the Wildlife Working Group from the Society of Wetland Scientists to co-sponsor this symposium at the 2018 Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. Read a review of the symposium in our August 2019 newsletter.


    Wetlands, Water, & Wildlife: Finding Common Ground Among Diverse Stakeholders was a half-day symposium at the TWS 2017 Annual Conference in Albuquerque, NM. The symposium brought together wildlife biologists and other professionals (e.g., hydrologists, geomorphologists, and policy experts) to emphasize the importance of cross-discipline coordination and increase exposure of broader wetland habitat issues to TWS members. Without exception, where broad social challenges exist over water – either quality or quantity – wildlife and wildlife habitats are impacted. In this symposium, we drew together examples from across North America of people and programs involved in promoting protection of wildlife habitat and populations amid water-related challenges. See a review of the symposium in our December 2017 newsletter.


    TWS Annual Conference: The WWG co-organized a special session on “Wetlands of the Great Plains: Science Supporting Program and Policy Initiatives” to highlight wetland research and conservation activities in the northern Great Plains, bringing together scientists from both sides of the border.  See a summary of the session in our December 2015 newsletter.


    North American Duck Symposium: Special Topic Session “Wetland Issues Affecting Waterfowl Conservation in North America


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