Tag: Songbirds

October 6, 2022

Cactus wren genetic diversity is declining in Southern California

The high mountains of the Transverse and Peninsular ranges separate cactus wrens along the coast of Southern California from the rest of the species found in the deserts of the...

March 23, 2022

Oil drilling noise impairs endangered songbird nesting success

Occasional, loud bursts of noise are disrupting threatened songbird species in the Canadian prairies. Oil pumpjacks are found all over southeastern Alberta prairie lands, which is also home to many...

December 13, 2021

Four calling birds face conservation concerns

If you’re expecting calling birds during the twelve days of Christmas, you may not be alone. In many countries keeping wild birds is common, and recent singing contests, pitting male...

June 11, 2021

JWM: Whip-poor-wills prefer mixed forestry

The secret to the perfect forest types for eastern whip-poor-wills is having a good mix. The small, well-camouflaged birds prefer forests that have a mixture of open spaces and closed...

March 4, 2021

Salmonella outbreak affecting songbirds in western U.S.

A salmonella outbreak is affecting songbirds throughout the western United States. Affected birds have been reported from the West Coast to Idaho. Residents have reported birds acting strangely. Wildlife officials...

October 13, 2020

Reducing reproduction helps some birds survive drought

In the final year of Thomas Martin’s songbird study in Venezuela, he noticed some birds just weren’t breeding. In fact, one species — the gray-breasted wood-wren (Henicorhina leucophrys) — went...

February 25, 2020

Warming climate pushes California birds upslope

Over just the past 15 years, migratory passerine songbirds that breed in California have already shifted their range to higher elevations in response to a warming climate, researchers found. “Working...

January 21, 2020

Same species, different habitats

Even if songbirds are the same species, those found in certain regions of the boreal forests of Canada may select habitat differently than those in other regions, researchers found. “There’s...

August 5, 2019

Intentionally introduced beetles impact songbird habitat

Beetles introduced to the United States from Asia have done their job in eating up invasive tamarisks in the Southwest. The problem is, the tamarisk beetles (Diorhabda carinulata) are doing...

June 10, 2019

Will next century’s wildlife be smaller, fast-lived species?

In the next 100 years, researchers predict the world will be filled with more small birds and mammals that are fast-lived, such as rodents and songbirds. Less adaptable, larger species...