Tag: North Carolina

November 21, 2019

Endangered butterfly finds home on bombing range

Amid the installations at the Fort Bragg Army base in North Carolina, a delicate butterfly has found a home. The St. Francis’ satyr (Neonympha mitchellii francisci) is federally listed as...

July 31, 2019

Local news station highlights TWS bat biologists

TWS members and bat biologists Kristi Confortin and Katherine Etchison were recently spotlighted in the local television news in Raleigh, North Carolina for their contributions to a bat blitz. A...

June 7, 2019

Plant ID workshop in North Carolina

The North Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society will host a plant ID workshop on August 21 in Ellerbe, North Carolina, focusing on plants with known wildlife value. Registration is...

April 4, 2019

Scientists find red wolves are a distinct species

While the federal government has been working for 30 years to recover the endangered red wolf (Canis rufus) in North Carolina, opponents argue that red wolves are more coyote (Canis...

March 20, 2019

Soaring with eagles to protect their habitat

As a Duke Energy helicopter hovered 500 feet over a bald eagle nest near Lake James, North Carolina, environmental scientist Misti Sporer peered through her binoculars. “Oooh, I’m seeing one...

February 26, 2019

North Carolina Chapter T&E workshop a success

This article originally appears in the North Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s Winter 2018-19 newsletter. Photos from the workshop also appear in the newsletter. On Nov. 1, over 40...

September 24, 2018

North Carolina Chapter to host T&E species workshop

The Professional Development Committee of the North Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society will hold a threatened and endangered species workshop Nov. 1 at the Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve...

March 22, 2018

Hive scales point to North Carolina bees’ nectar sources

A year ago, beekeepers throughout North Carolina outfitted their apiaries with hive scales provided by the Bayer Bee Care Program. In a growing initiative, these citizen scientists are weighing hives...

February 27, 2018

Recovering with the butterflies

Nick Haddad doesn’t remember it, but while recovering from a traumatic brain injury that resulted in memory loss, he couldn’t stop telling one of his nurses about the rare St....

February 21, 2018

JWM: Hungry ghost crabs may haunt plover nests

Imperiled piping plover (Charadrius melodus) populations have been gradually growing since the species gained federal protection over three decades ago, but in North Carolina, they’re rearing the fewest fledglings. Researchers...