Tag: Birds

April 12, 2019

Is every year ‘the year of the bird?’

If you follow the lunar new year, the year of the pig has recently begun. But should it really be the year of the bird? OK, the National Geographic Society...

April 11, 2019

Bright lights, big cities, big problems for migrating birds

The effects of bright cities on migratory birds isn’t something to take lightly, but the biggest cities may not have the biggest impact on long-term journeys.  Instead, cities that lie...

April 10, 2019

Human emotion and behavior at bird feeders may impact conservation

Some 57 million households in the United States have birdfeeders. The food can benefit the birds, but what effect do birdfeeders have on the people who hang them, fill them...

April 8, 2019

Tracking devices may affect individual birds

Modern tracking devices can be tiny, but they can still have effects on some of the birds fitted with them, researchers found, although those impacts are sometimes overlooked. This blind...

April 3, 2019

JWM: Keen foragers more likely to be hit by landing planes

The American kestrel (Falco sparverius) was perched on top of a lighting fixture with a sharp eye on the surrounding area, oblivious to the danger descending upon it. The area...

March 27, 2019

Tiny blackpoll warblers fly 12,500 miles in yearly migrations

Half-ounce songbirds, blackpoll warblers (Setophaga striata) redefine the meaning of endurance in their epic trip from the northwestern edge of Alaska to the East Coast before continuing on to Venezuela,...

March 20, 2019

Desert-friendly yards help local birds in arid cities

The pressures of big city living may take a toll on native desert bird species, but keeping a more drought-tolerant yard may help them keep a toehold in cities like...

March 12, 2019

Bird lover’s board game soars in popularity

What do spreadsheets, birds, and board games have in common? They came together in Wingspan, a board game based on serious science that has become a phenomenon among board gamers....

March 11, 2019

Balloons play an outsize role in seabird deaths

Parents may want to think twice before allowing their children to let balloons fly off into the atmosphere. When seemingly harmless latex balloons end up in the ocean, according to...

March 11, 2019

Climate change has birds migrating earlier

Climate change has pushed migratory birds to take their spring trips a week earlier than they did six decades ago. According to a large-scale analysis of data gathered by 21...