Tag: Birds

January 27, 2020

Bioacoustics opening up world of birdsongs

To find the last remaining Puaiohi thrushes (Myadestes palmeri) on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, researchers placed small recorders at the base of the cliff to listen for their distinctive...

January 23, 2020

Hunting guide’s aging journals point to changing climate

L.S. Quackenbush made a living guiding hunters in northern Maine in the 1940s and ’50s, but the meticulous journals he kept are telling biologists something about wildlife in the region...

January 8, 2020

Conservationists race to save Hawaiian kiwikiu honeycreeper

A Hawaiian bird endemic to Maui is running out of chances after avian malaria scuttled a recent translocation attempt in a remote area of the island. “The best chance for...

January 3, 2020

Birds sound off when aircraft fly by

When researchers studied the effects of aircraft flying over national parks, they expected the noise would cover up any bird song, and maybe cause birds to startle and hush up....

January 2, 2020

Military bases can help protect marsh birds

A handful of military bases around the United States could play an outsized role in marsh bird conservation. “Our models provide some tangible predictions for which sites are the most...

December 30, 2019

Fences keep predators from grasshopper sparrow nests

Small fences are keeping predators away from endangered songbird nests in Florida, buying the birds precious time while wildlife managers organize a larger landscape-wide conservation plan. “Reducing the predation by...

December 26, 2019

Christmas Bird Count marks 120th season

Concerned that Americans were overharvesting birds, New York ornithologist Frank Chapman started the Christmas Bird Count in 1900 as an alternative to a Christmas tradition of hunting birds. This year...

December 20, 2019

Artificial intelligence helps researchers tune into island soundscapes

Algorithms can help researchers tune into massive soundscapes involving a huge number of species and background noise to determine the level of seabird recovery on remote islands in Alaska. “We...

December 20, 2019

Climate change leads birds to migrate earlier

Climate change is prompting migratory birds to take flight earlier, raising questions about how these shifts will affect their ability to persist in a warming world. Looking at almost a...

December 17, 2019

Wind turbines don’t out-boom prairie-chicken lek potential

The sound of wind turbines doesn’t put a damper on the nearby mating rituals of greater prairie-chickens in Nebraska. “In terms of what’s happening in that lek, it may not...