Series: Wild Cam

December 12, 2023

Wild Cam: Climate change may exacerbate salamander cannibalism

Arizona tiger salamanders eat each other more when water gets scarcer

November 17, 2023

Wild Cam: Coyote scavenging affects small carnivore behavior

Bobcats may act leery when coyotes have recently visited a gut pile

November 14, 2023

Wild Cam: Targeting invasive caiman hatchlings helps with their population removal

Wildlife managers remove invasive reptiles from Everglades during 10-year project

August 15, 2023

Wild Cam: Female jaguars avoid trails—probably to save cubs from males

Cameras along game trails may not give an accurate view of the species

August 7, 2023

Wild Cam: In the face of megafire, some animals prove resilient

Remote cameras capture a before-and-after glimpse of the Mendocino Complex Fire

August 1, 2023

Wild Cam: Alligator snapping turtles doing well in Texas

A JWM study finds hopeful news for the threatened reptile population

May 5, 2023

Wild Cam: Collar tracking more accurate than trail cameras

Researchers were searching for an efficient way to track the population of Mexican wolves

April 26, 2023

Wild Cam: When pumas are gone, nothing quite takes their place

Coyotes thrive at Fort Hood, but they don’t fill the role of apex predator

April 19, 2023

Where do mammals move after glaciers melt?

After rapid glacier melt, mammals that disperse farther are quicker to move into newly vegetated areas

March 3, 2023

Wild Cam: When humans are away, Glacier wildlife strays

The COVID-19 shutdown provided a natural experiment to understand wildlife behavior in Glacier National Park