Search Results for: wild cam

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August 21, 2018

Story Behind the Photo

Story Behind the Photo Written and Photographed by Mark Gocke It’s always a treat to happen upon a red fox, but especially in the wintertime when it adds a splash...

August 21, 2018

What’s killing curlews? In southwest Idaho, it’s poachers

On his first day studying long-billed curlews (Numenius americanus) in southwest Idaho, Jay Carlisle came across a disturbing find. A curlew lay dead on the side of the road, shot...

August 16, 2018

Caesar Kleberg Keynote tackles conservation funding

As public funding for conservation appears to be dwindling and the need for projects increases, a panel of speakers at the TWS 25th Annual Conference in Cleveland offer glimpses into...

August 15, 2018

Chapter to host San Joaquin kit fox workshop

The California Central Coast Chapter of The Wildlife Society will hold a professional workshop on the San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) Oct. 15 to Oct. 18 at the...

August 15, 2018

GMO crop and pesticide ban for refuges ended

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has rolled back a 2014 ban on the use of genetically modified crops and neonicotinoid, or neonic, pesticides on National Wildlife Refuges where farming...

August 14, 2018

Exhibit highlights golden eagle and its landscape

Compared to the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) seems to get overlooked. And compared to the peaks and parks of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, so does...

August 9, 2018

Brown bears help feed small mammals with seeds in scat

In Alaska, small mammals such as mice and voles eat and disperse seeds that they get from bear scat, according to new research. Previous research on black bears (Ursus americanus)...

August 7, 2018

Session of the Week: Cross-cultural Competence and Increasing Diversity

Registration for The Wildlife Society’s 25th Annual Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, is now open! Visit for details, or register now by logging in to Your Membership and clicking on the Conference tab. How can...

August 3, 2018

TWS Chapter meetings in September

Sections, Chapters, and Working Groups of The Wildlife Society hold meetings and workshops throughout the year. The following meetings are currently scheduled during the month of September: September 6-7, 2018:...

July 24, 2018

Project seeks to count all the cats in D.C.

A new effort in Washington, D.C. has an ambitious goal: count all the cats in the city. That includes feral cats, which roam the streets and prey on wildlife, as...