TWS News

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Wild Cam: As snow decreases, wolf stomachs rumble

Lower snow levels in Minnesota winters means fewer vulnerable deer for packs to prey on

Read Now December 19, 2024
December 26, 2024

U.S. Senate passes the America’s Conservation Enhancement Reauthorization Act

The bill will reauthorize several key federal conservation programs through 2030

December 26, 2024

High-altitude grasslands are key to conserving Andean bears

Managers should also take into consideration when livestock foraged in these areas

December 23, 2024

Apply now for 2025 Native American Research Assistantship

Those selected will work on a three-month research project with the U.S. Forest Service

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Sage grouse
May 7, 2015

Defense Bill Delays Sage-Grouse Listing

Language added to National Defense Authorization Act for 2016 would prevent the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) from issuing a final listing for sage-grouse populations under the Endangered Species...

May 6, 2015

International Bat Pact to Help Coordinate Conservation

The U.S., Canada, and Mexico signed a formal agreement to coordinate efforts to protect migratory bats as part of the annual meeting of the Trilateral Committee for Wildlife and Ecosystem...

Monk parakeet
May 6, 2015

Successful Invasive Species Has Low Genetic Diversity

It pays to be adaptable if you’re an invasive species looking to survive in your non-native habitat. Monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) — an invasive species currently found in 14 U.S....


Native Austrostipa grass
May 5, 2015

How Australia Controls Its Wild Rabbits – From The Wildlife Professional Magazine

From the spring issue of The Wildlife Professional. The use of two diseases and the search for another biocontrol agent Early last year, vets in Sydney, Australia urged owners of...

May 5, 2015

Volunteering Spurs New Ideas for Mizzou Student Chapter

The Mizzou (aka University of Missouri) Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society has had an engaging year thus far! Members have heard from several different speakers including Chris Newbold, President-Elect...

Cooper’s hawk
May 5, 2015

Flameproof Falcons and Hawks Soar Over Areas of B.C.

It could be compared, cynically, to the legend of the phoenix. But while legend has it that the mythological bird was continually reborn from the ashes of its predecessor, researchers...


Brown treesnake
May 4, 2015

Increased Availability of Wildlife Management Tools

John Eisemann spends much of his time on the phone or in meetings talking to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) partners and stakeholders. As the Technology Transfer Program Manager...

Bobwhite quail
May 1, 2015

Game Birds Good Umbrella Species for Conservation

Game species may be better suited as so-called umbrella species for larger conservation goals than some rare and endangered species, according to research. “When people look at umbrella species they...

May 1, 2015

Video: Water for Arizona’s Wildlife

The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has recently built a new water catchment for wildlife in the Sonoran Desert. The agency has been building water development for wildlife since...