Urban Wildlife Working Group Announces Student Travel Grants
The Wildlife Society recently learned that the Urban Wildlife Working Group will be offering student travel grants of up to $500 to be used towards attending the International Urban Wildlife...

Learn in the Great Outdoors
The Wildlife Society announces the Northeast (NE) Section’s Wildlife Field Course taking place in Castleton, VT from May 17-30, 2015. The NE Section offers a two week long, hands-on, outdoor...

And the Chapter of the Year is…
At The Wildlife Society’s 21st Annual Conference, the Washington Chapter was recognized as Chapter of the Year for their achievements during 2013, which demonstrated exceptional contributions to both The Wildlife...

Fun in San Francisco
The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of TWS has recently provided members with several opportunities to learn and engage. Recent events have included a hike to observe Tule Elk at...

The Wildlife Confessional
Have you spent hours in the field being eluded by a species you were making every effort to locate? Did your day of field research turn in to a comical...

Join the Rangeland Wildlife Working Group
The Rangeland Wildlife Working Group (RWWG), which was established in March of 2013, is currently looking for new members. The subunits goals include supporting efforts to manage rangelands for wildlife...