WM: Burros are changing desert ecosystems
Native plants and small mammals may be losing key habitat features due to grazing donkeys
Do golf courses help rabies spread in Arizona?
Researchers wondered if artificial ponds there attracted species that host the virus
Natural disasters put some species at greater risk of extinction
For species already at risk, hurricanes and other hazards may add new perils
Wolf influx on Isle Royale only temporarily affects mesocarnivores
Foxes and martens changed their range and behavior after wolves moved back into Isle Royale
CWD affects movement, behavior of deer
Researchers can track patterns to identify infected deer on the landscape
Maurice Hornocker wins Aldo Leopold Memorial Award
TWS member spearheaded the research of mountain lions at a time when carnivores were barely studied
Drought may boost parasite loads in giant salamanders
Dry conditions may lead to “overwhelming” numbers of trematodes in amphibians
Feral pigs may usher nonnative plants into Hawaii
Pigs disturb native forests on Big Island
Butterflies make record-setting journey across the Atlantic
Discovered in South America, the butterflies likely flew from Africa or Europe