Category: TWS Wildlife News

November 21, 2016

JWM study: How much snow cover do female wolverines need?

Spring snow cover in northern Alberta has been decreasing for decades. This shift is generally not expected to bode well for cold-adapted wildlife, such as the elusive and charismatic wolverine...

November 17, 2016

WSB Study: How do brown-headed cowbirds pick nests to parasitize?

Brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) parasitize nests of songbirds by sneaking in, laying their eggs in the nest and watching as songbirds of another species raise the cowbird chicks as their...

November 16, 2016

Moose removal resumes in Nova Scotia

On Nov. 8, Parks Canada resumed a moose population reduction effort in Cape Breton Highlands National Park in Nova Scotia, attempting to restore boreal forests. The removal, which could run...

November 15, 2016

Caught ‘napping’: First direct evidence of migratory hoary bats hibernating

Perched among the branches and needles of California’s redwood forests are nestled wayfaring hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus). A migratory species capable of traveling hundreds of miles, hoary bats may wander...

November 10, 2016

Successful 2016 oral rabies vaccination campaign completed

2016 marks the 21st year that the USDA Wildlife Services (WS) National Rabies Management Program (NRMP) has participated in the distribution of oral rabies vaccine (ORV) baits in the U.S.,...

November 9, 2016

Experience may make birds more prone to vehicle collisions

You might think that city birds would get “street smart,” learning to evade fast-moving vehicles. But exposure to traffic may actually increase some birds’ chances of being hit, according to...

November 4, 2016

Who eats faster, male or female cheetahs?

How do mid-sized predators stay safe at meal times, despite larger predators lurking on the landscape? For cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus), the answer depends on age and sex, according to new...

November 3, 2016

Improving pollinator health requires collaboration, public-private partnerships

During the summer of 2014, the White House administration and supporting federal agencies took a bold step to show that pollinator health is a national priority. Recognizing the challenges facing...

November 2, 2016

Male elk linger while females disperse after reintroduction

Male animals typically roam farther than females, defending large territories or traveling in search of mates. But in some cases, all it takes to reverse that pattern is an offer...

November 1, 2016

Court argues validity of managing distinct wolf populations

The long history of legal discussion surrounding wolf management continued on Oct. 18, when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit met to discuss the U.S....