Category: Around the Web

December 16, 2021

For feral cats in Australia, implant makes native wildlife their last meal

Researchers in Australia have come up with a novel way to protect native wildlife from feral cats. Scientists with the University of South Australia developed rice-sized implants that can be...

December 15, 2021

Group seeks to preserve California timberlands

A conservation group is gearing up to purchase a patch of Northern California timberlands to preserve the redwoods. Save the Redwoods League is working to raise $37 million to buy...

December 14, 2021

Chytrid disease found in two California salamanders

A deadly chytrid disease has been found for the first time in two California salamander species. The fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis or Bd, was found to cause widespread disease in arboreal...

December 13, 2021

Four calling birds face conservation concerns

If you’re expecting calling birds during the twelve days of Christmas, you may not be alone. In many countries keeping wild birds is common, and recent singing contests, pitting male...

December 10, 2021

Watch: Condor chick Iniko released back into the wild

A California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) that survived the devastating Dolan Fire as a chick has been released back into the wild after being cared for in captivity. Readers of The...

December 9, 2021

USFWS, Cherokee collaborate on wildlife

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is expanding its work on Cherokee lands. “We’re hopeful, in the long term, that we’ll move forward in a positive direction,” said Mike Lavoie,...

December 8, 2021

Federal, state officials plan to feed struggling manatees

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service plans to take the unprecedented step of feeding Florida manatees to help them survive the winter—a move that comes as the threatened species faces...

December 7, 2021

Which species may spread COVID-19?

Researchers have created a computer model to help predict which mammal species are most likely to become infected with SARS-CoV-2. The virus, which causes COVID-19 in humans, can affect a...

December 6, 2021

California oil spill cleanup nears completion

Cleanup is nearing completion after an oil spill off the coast of Southern California. An undersea pipeline leaked about 25,000 gallons of oil into the Pacific Ocean in early October....

December 3, 2021

Watch: Trail cameras capture cryptic fishers in action

Biologists with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife are working to conserve fishers (Pekania pennanti), a species state listed as sensitive. Fishers are hard to find in the wild,...