Category: Around the Web

August 12, 2020

Bird’s name sheds Confederate legacy

A bird named for a Confederate general will now be known for the shape of its bill. McCown’s longspur (Rhynchophanes mccownii) is now called the thick-billed longspur.  The North American...

August 11, 2020

Global wildlife surveillance can halt future pandemics

In order to stop future devastating pandemics like COVID-19, wildlife scientists and experts argue that a global system of wildlife surveillance is necessary. The researchers point to epidemics like Ebola,...

August 10, 2020

Three TPWD employees killed in helicopter crash

Three Texas Parks and Wildlife Department employees were killed in a helicopter crash on Saturday while conducting aerial surveys for desert bighorn sheep at the Black Gap Wildlife Management Area...

August 7, 2020

Watch: “Zombie” cicadas imitate opposite sex to spread disease

Male cicadas infected with fungal parasites are manipulated into exhibiting behaviors of females, so they can pass the disease onto other males that attempt to mate with them. Massospora fungus usually...

August 6, 2020

Invasive species spread in national parks

National parks are not out of the woods when it comes to being overrun by invasive species. In fact, invasives have invaded about half of the parks that were created...

August 5, 2020

Australia’s bushfires spell trouble for endangered species

Australia’s recent bushfires have burned habitat for native animal species, 21 of which were already listed as threatened with extinction. Scientists used government data from satellites along with on-the-ground data...

August 4, 2020

Warming climate pushes polar bears to extinction

Polar bears may become nearly extinct by the end of the century as a result of global warming causing sea ice to shrink in the Arctic. Researchers found that if...

August 3, 2020

Even ancient foxes relied on humans for food

By looking at foxes’ diets over the years, researchers determined that human activity has influenced the small carnivores as far back as 42,000 years ago. Foxes typically feed on scraps...

July 31, 2020

Watch: Rare footage of tigers caught in western Thailand

Camera traps have caught the first evidence of wild tigers in western Thailand in four years. Footage shot in March and April this year show tigers walking by cameras in...

July 30, 2020

Biology textbooks still lack diversity

Textbooks used in university biology classes continue to predominantly represent white men, even though multiple other sources have begun to acknowledge the advancements women and people of color have made...