Image Credit: Steve Hillebrand
Image Credit: Steve Hillebrand

The Wildlife Society, along with many TWS Chapters, Sections, and Working Groups, offer travel grants (mostly to students, but some are available to professionals) to attend the TWS Annual Conference and other TWS-related meetings. The following list details those currently offering travel grants.

  • Travel grants greater than $1,000

    Native Peoples’ Wildlife Management Working Group: Each year, up to 10 students who are members of a Native American, First Nations, or Indigenous Tribe, or identify as Native Alaskan or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, will be selected to attend TWS’ Annual Conference as part of the Native Student Professional Development Program. This includes complimentary registration, hotel, travel grant, and more. More info to come.

    Wisconsin Chapter: Accepting applications from professional members (students are not eligible, they have another source of funding from WCTWS) for one travel grant up to $1,500 to help defer expenses related to attending the TWS Annual Conference. This grant opportunity is being offered to WCTWS members who otherwise would not be able to participate in the national conference because of financial restrictions. More info to come.

  • Travel grants of up to $1,000

    Biometrics Working Group: Travel grants are available to student members of TWS (membership to the BWG not required) that are presenting papers or posters at TWS’ Annual Conference. Current students (undergraduate and graduate) and recent graduates (individuals that graduated within two years of the scheduled conference) are eligible for these travel grants. Applications are due by July 9, 2024Click here for more information. Amounts range from $500-850.

    Maine Chapter: Financial support (up to $500 for individuals and up to $1,000 for groups) is available for student travel and professional development from the Chapter’s Student Support Fund. Applications are due February 1 of each year. More info is available here.

    North Carolina Chapter: Provides one travel grant for $1,000 to one member of the North Carolina Chapter to assist in offsetting the cost of attending TWS’ Annual Conference. More info is available here.

    Pennsylvania Chapter: One professional development grant of up to $1,000 is offered each year to a non-student member of the Pennsylvania Chapter of TWS. The deadline is February 15 of each year. More info is available here.

    Wildlife Damage Management Working Group: Two travel grants of us to $750 are available to members of the WDMWG to assist them in offsetting the cost of travel to a professional wildlife damage meeting. Deadline to apply is August 12, 2024. Learn more and download the application here.

  • Travel grants of up to $500

    The Wildlife Society: Students whose research has been accepted for the Annual Conference may apply for travel grants of $500. The application is now open and can be found here. The deadline to apply is June 28, 2024.

    Biological Diversity Working Group: One travel grant of up to $500 is available for a TWS student member presenting a paper or poster with a focus on protecting biodiversity at The Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference. More information is available here.

    Central Mountains and Plains Section: See the CMPS website for information on our Wayne Sandfort Student Travel Grants available for TWS’ Annual Conference. Please contact CMPS President Stephanie Ferrero ( or President-Elect Embere Hall ( if you have any questions.

    North Carolina Chapter: Professional development grants are funded on a semiannual basis (one per cycle, up to $250 each) and are available to a member of the North Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society to help offset the cost of attending a professional conference, professional development workshop, training, or other appropriate professional development program. Applications are due by January 31 (first cycle) or June 30 (second cycle) of each year. Please contact the Chapter’s Grants and Finance Committee Chair, Jamie Sasser, at, with any questions.

    Colorado Chapter: Two travel grants for $500 each are available to members of the Colorado Chapter attending a meeting or workshop. Applications are due by August 1. More info is available here.

    College and University Education Working Group: One travel grant is awarded to a new instructor of wildlife courses or an instructor who transitioned into a new teaching position. Awardees should attend the Working Group annual meeting. Applications are due by May 1.  If not awarded, applications submitted by September 1 will be considered. More info is available here.

    Wyoming Chapter: Professional and student travel grants of $500 are available to Wyoming Chapter members that will be attending TWS’ Annual Conference. The application period is closed for the 2023/2024 fiscal year.

    Human Dimensions Working Group: Up to two travel grants are available to help human dimensions professionals and students interested in human dimensions participate in the Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. This grant will cover up to $500 of the recipient’s travel and registration costs. More info will be posted here when available.

    Invasive Species Working Group: Three $500 scholarships are available to ISWG members to attend TWS’ Annual Conference. Scholarship recipients will include one undergraduate, one masters, and one Ph.D. student. Students must be currently enrolled in a wildlife biology, wildlife or land management, ecology, or a similar program and planning to attend the conference. Graduate students must be presenting original research on invasive species ecology or management at the conference. The selected undergraduate student must be available to assist with the ISWG symposium. More info will be posted here when available. 

    Out in The Field: Two travel grants for $500 each and a $250 travel grant (provided by TWS’ Biological Diversity Working Group) are available to LGBTQ+ members of TWS (students and professionals) to assist them in offsetting the cost of attending TWS’ Annual Conference. More info will be posted when it is available.

    Wildlife Diseases Working Group: Student travel awards of $500 are available to attend TWS’ Annual Conference. More info will be posted when available. 

    Molecular Ecology Working Group: Travel grants of $500 will be awarded to TWS student members attending The Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference. This award will be given to two current or recently graduated students. The deadline to apply is July 31. Click here for further details.

    Habitat Restoration Working Group: Up to four $500 travel scholarships are available to aid new professionals, graduate students, and/or presenters focusing on the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration or Ecological Restoration broadly, attending TWS’ Annual Conference. Deadline to apply is Sept. 1, 2024. Click here for further details.

    Ontario Chapter: One travel grant ($500 CAD) will be awarded to support an Ontario-based student or recent graduate with an accepted talk or poster to attend the 2024 TWS conference. Applications are due on Aug. 15, 2024. Click here for more information and to apply.

    Canadian Section: Up to 4 travel grants ($500 CAD) will be awarded to support student members of the Section or recent graduates with an accepted talk or poster to attend the 2024 TWS conference. Click here for more information and to apply.

    New Jersey Chapter: One $500 scholarship is offered to New Jersey resident undergraduate or graduate students majoring in wildlife/ecology/natural resources and attending a North American university. The deadline to apply is Aug. 1. Click here for further details and email with questions.

    Renewable Energy Working Group: One $500 grant to a student attending the TWS Annual Conference. The deadline to apply is Aug. 12. Click here for more information and to apply. Email with questions.

    Nutritional Ecology Working Group: Two to four scholarships ranging from $250-500 are available to support presenter travel to TWS’ Annual Conference in Baltimore. The deadline to apply is Aug. 2. Click here for more information and to apply. Email with questions.

  • Travel grant amount TBD

    Missouri Chapter: Professional development travel grants are offered each year. The winter/spring deadline is February 15 and the summer deadline is August 15. More info is available here.