
©Justin Meissen

About Us

The Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society (NE-TWS)

The Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society (NE-TWS) is the professional organization of biologists, educators and administrators who work in the field of wildlife management in Nebraska. The organization was chartered in 1966.

The Objectives of the Nebraska Chapter of the Wildlife Society are:

  1. To promote sound stewardship of wildlife resources and habitats in Nebraska by providing technical assistance, policy statements, and support of responsible natural resource actions.
  2. To seek the highest standards in the wildlife profession by providing recognition through awards, scholarships and grants of research, community awareness programs, and individual actions that display excellence.
  3. To provide opportunities for open communication of wildlife professionals and fellowship through meetings, workshops, newsletters, and other chapter functions.
  4. To focus, the aims and objectives of the Society and the Central Mountains and Plains Section upon events in the State of Nebraska.

Each member of the Nebraska Chapter pledges to:

  • Subscribe to the highest standards of integrity and conduct
  • Recognize research ands scientific management of wildlife and their environment as primary goals
  • Disseminate information to promote understanding of and appreciation for wildlife and their habitat
  • Increase knowledge and skills to advance the practice of wildlife management
  • Promote competence in the field of wildlife management by supporting high standards of education
  • Encourage the use of sound biological information in management decisions
  • Support fair and uniform standards of employment arid treatment of those professionally engaged in the practice of wildlife conservation

Board Members

To view a complete list of the Nebraska Chapter’s Board Members, click here.

Click here for Board Meeting Minutes.


To view a complete list of the Nebraska Chapter’s Committees, click here.

©John and Karen Hollingsworth

Student Chapters

There are four student chapters in the State:

  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • University of Nebraska-Kearney
  • Chadron State College
  • Wayne State College

The student chapters have formed a committee under the Nebraska Chapter in order to create a format where they can work together on biology issues and student workshops.  The committee is made up of Student-Chapter Presidents and Professors.

©Patrick Emerson


To view our most recent Newsletter, click here.

Image Credit: Ryan Hagerty

©Ryan Hagerty


To view the Nebraska Chapter’s bylaws, click here.

©Dave Menke

Policy Documents

For a full list of position statements and comment letters developed by the Nebraska Chapter, click here.