Western Section to hold California botany workshop

The Western Section of The Wildlife Society will host a California Botany for Wildlifers workshop May 1 to 4 in Santa Barbara, California.

The goal of this workshop is to equip wildlife biologists with a more comprehensive understanding of their own field by exploring the basics of botany. Participants will practice habitat mapping, discuss the ins and outs of regulation and explore resources available to biologists interested in plants. The workshop will also be a crash course in invasive species and offer wildlifers terms to describe plants they don’t know. Participants will leave with an appreciation of how plants can enrich wildlife surveys.

Registration includes one participant spot for the class, handouts and a welcome dinner. All meals are included.

Early registration lasts until April 1 and costs:

$495 for section members
$545 for nonmembers
$395 for a student/early career professional section member (only one spot available)

Click here to register. A flyer with more information is also available here.

The Wildlife Society will allow a maximum of 20 continuing education units in Category I of the Certified Wildlife Biologist Renewal/Professional Development Certificate Program.

Contact Ivan Parr at workshops@tws-west.org with any questions.


Header Image: Wildflowers bloom along a ridgeline in California's Carrizo Plain. ©BLM