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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service program aims to diversify workforce
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is implementing its 2023 Directorate Resource Assistant Fellows Program, which targets diverse students that may be hired into permanent employment.
Students selected for the program must participate in a 12-week summer fellowship program before being directly hired or appointed to full-time permanent positions, without competition.
Students that are interested in conservation careers should apply. Past positions have included work on species conservation planning, field surveys and species monitoring, landscape-scale conservation partnerships, and more.
The program is meant to attract talented and diverse students into fellowships, with particular attention on women and underrepresented groups in the workforce including African American/Black, Alaska Native, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islanders students, and students with disabilities.
The program is put in place with the help of partners such as the Hispanic Access Foundation, Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences, Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program, and American Indian Science and Engineering Society.