TWS Section, Chapter meetings and student conclaves in March

Sections, chapters, and working groups of The Wildlife Society hold meetings and workshops throughout the year. In addition, TWS Student Conclaves are usually held in the spring. The following meetings and conclaves are currently scheduled during the month of March:

March 1-3, 2019: British Columbia Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting

  • Location: Royal Anne Hotel in Kelowna, British Columbia

March 7-8, 2019: Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting

  • Location: C.A. Vines 4-H Center in Little Rock, Arkansas

March 13-15, 2019: Michigan Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting

  • Location: Gaylord, Michigan

March 14-15, 2019: New York Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting

  • Location: The Senate Garage in Kingston, New York

March 19-21, 2019: Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting

  • Location: Boise, Idaho

March 20-22, 2019: Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting

  • Location: Canyon Community Center in Springdale, Utah

March 21-23, 2019: TWS Southeastern Student Conclave

  • Hosted by Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC) Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society
  • Location: Tifton, Georgia

March 22-24, 2019: Alberta Chapterand Canadian Section of The Wildlife Society joint meeting

  • Location: Coast Canmore Hotel and Conference Center in Canmore, Alberta
  • The TWS Canadian Student Conclave will be held in conjunction with this meeting.


Header Image: Snow blankets Banff National Park, located near the location of the Alberta Chapter’s and Canadian Section’s joint annual meeting. ©Lazlo Ilyes