Tag: urban wildlife

September 18, 2020

Sparrows are less cautious around humans with face masks

Sparrows are a little less flighty around humans wearing face masks than those without them on. In a new study published in Global Ecology and Conservation, researchers in China conducted...

June 15, 2020

Urban areas can be ecological traps for black bears

Trash cans and bird seed in people’s yards may provide easy food for roving bears, but new research shows those resources can come at cost. Bears that spend time in...

June 8, 2020

Untapped opportunities for conservation lie in cities

Soaring skyscrapers and subway tunnels may seem like the polar opposite of natural habitats and ecosystems, but some researchers believe that cities hold untapped opportunities for biodiversity conservation. As managers...

May 1, 2020

The May/June issue of The Wildlife Professional

The Wildlife Professional is an exclusive benefit of membership in The Wildlife Society. Published six times annually, the magazine presents timely research news and analysis of trends in the wildlife profession....

March 27, 2020

To survive city life, birds benefit from brains or breeding

Birds that thrive in urban environments either have larger brains or the ability to reproduce multiple times throughout their lifespan, researchers found. Past research showed that birds with larger brains...

March 11, 2020

In NYC, officials wrestle with controlling deer populations

A portion of New York City is finding itself with a lot of unwelcome wildlife. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are causing traffic accidents. Wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) are invading yards....

February 21, 2020

Watch: Colorado embarks on urban elk GPS study

As Colorado’s Front Range becomes more and more urbanized, the changing land uses are affecting the behavior of elk herds in the area. In some cases, they’re becoming residents and...

November 27, 2019

Q&A: Kristin Winchell on why urban ecology matters

Cities are growing in some parts of the world at an extraordinary rate, swallowing up swaths of formerly wild habitat. But as these urban environments become the norm in some...

September 16, 2019

City crows have high cholesterol levels

It’s no secret that human-provided food can impact wildlife. But as wildlife is increasingly found in urban areas, it can be hard to stop animals like birds from snacking on...

April 29, 2019

Wild Cam: Carnivores caught candid roaming the suburbs

Suburban life can be great for carnivores. There’s plenty of green space, and it can be fairly peaceful — as long as they get along with their neighbors. New research...