Series: Wildlife Vocalizations

August 16, 2023

Wildlife Vocalizations: Tyler Brasington

Brasington reflects on how his work with bears has allowed him to connect and share his passion with the public

May 4, 2023

Wildlife Vocalizations: Daryl Ratajczak

Ratajczak reminisces on the value of hearing new perspectives and remaining open to change

April 21, 2023

Wildlife Vocalizations: Morgan Farmer

Farmer recounts her entry into wildlife research

March 23, 2023

Wildlife Vocalizations: Kathleen Carroll

Carroll has seen how bad advice can also teach us important lessons and crafted her own advice to consider

Anna Brose holds a bison skull in Yellowstone National Park while doing telemetry checks on collared bison in the park in 2017.
March 21, 2023

Wildlife Vocalizations: Anna Brose

Anna Brose shares the excitement and enthusiasm that pushes her past the road bumps she may encounter

March 1, 2023

Wildlife Vocalizations: Monica Mulligan

Mulligan envisions a wildlife profession that validates our identities and backgrounds

February 7, 2023

Wildlife Vocalizations: Jacob Powers

Powers is inspired by his family and driven to make them proud

grace hummel
January 31, 2023

Wildlife Vocalizations: Grace Hummell

Wildlife Vocalizations is a collection of short personal perspectives from people in the field of wildlife sciences. In second grade, we had an endangered animal project, and I was assigned...

January 3, 2023

Wildlife Vocalizations: Abi Fergus

Wildlife Vocalizations is a collection of short personal perspectives from people in the field of wildlife sciences. We need swift change as the world is losing biodiversity and the Indigenous...

December 29, 2022

Wildlife Vocalizations: Patience Knight

Wildlife Vocalizations is a collection of short personal perspectives from people in the field of wildlife sciences. One of the most important and memorable statements one of my wildlife/range management...